Muslim brotherhood ‘Godfather’ Qaradawi yesterday in Istanbul: “Erdoğan is the leader of Islamic world”.

Muslim Brotherhood’s ‘spiritual leader’ a.k.a. ‘Godfather’ Qaradawi was yesterday in Istanbul to take part in the ‘Thanks Turkey’ festival.

Festival where he proudly again declared ‘Erdogan as leader of the Islamic world’.

In an interview in 2014 with TV Turkia Qaradawi declared that: 

We came to Turkey to assess the Fourth Assembly of the Union of Muslim Scholars in Istanbul, capital of the Islamic Caliphate!

Qaradawi added that:

Turkey is the Caliphate State, and Istanbul is its capital … Turkey unites religion and the world, Arab (Wahhabist Sunnis) and Persian (Shiites), Asia and Africa, and it (the Caliphate) should be based upon this nation (Turkey)”.